AIDS Walk Washington Campaign

Brand+Aid created its first advertising campaign for AIDS Walk Washington, Whitman-Walker Health’s largest annual fundraiser, back in 2000. AIDS Walk Washington 2013 was the second of three campaigns we’ve created for the event over the years: We developed a TV spot and six print ads under the tagline and call to action, “Face The Facts. Walk The Walk.” Tragically, Washington, DC – not only our nation’s capital but the capital of the free world – is also home to some of the world’s most shocking HIV statistics. In fact, HIV rates in DC rival those in many Sub-Saharan African countries. The ads very simply stated often little-known facts about HIV in DC, featuring faces of those who are most affected – blacks, gays, Latinos and women – coupled with the faces of some DC residents who may feel complacency toward, or fatigue from, the disease after nearly 30 years. The ads serve as a powerful reminder that these are not just people struggling with HIV, but our neighbors, too.

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