Walk To End HIV Campaign

This HIV Walk marked Brand+Aid’s third time creating and producing the advertising campaign for Whitman-Walker’s largest annual fundraising event; we did our first AIDS Walk campaign back in 2000. For the 2014 AIDS Walk, something truly groundbreaking was afoot: Whitman-Walker decided to become the first walk in the country to remove the word “AIDS” from its veritable, now 28-year-old brand. A radical (and what turned out to be, controversial) decision, but a change with its eyes squarely on an ambitious future in our fight against the disease. Indeed, we now have a war chest of potent weapons that can completely eradicate new HIV infections and create a truly AIDS-free generation: From powerful, once-a-day HIV regimens, highly effective medicines that prevent transmission of the virus (called PrEP) and post-exposure treatments (called PEP)…to old standby (but proven effective) methods like condoms and regular HIV testing. For the first time ever in the 30+ year history of HIV, an end is in sight. Accordingly, Brand+Aid chose the concept of a “finish line” for the first Walk To End HIV campaign, which was a huge contrast to our 2013 campaign which highlighted some of DC’s notoriously grim HIV statistics. The spirit of this year’s campaign was decidedly more upbeat, optimistic and sent the message, “We can really do this.” The campaign included print and digital ads, posters, collateral, bus sides and two TV spots.

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